Wednesday, March 21, 2012

All was going well until.....

3-21-12.....Up until 1:25 p.m. all was going well when out of the blue her nose starts beeding and as of 2:15 p.m. it is still bleeding and there is a blood clot in her throat that she can't get up as of yet. Dr. Edwards ordered platelets and they are now hanging to see if that will help stop the nose bleed. She hasn't had any fevers as of yet due to the fact that she has had to have Tylenol a couple of times for the Ambisone and Antibiotic, so we are keeping a close eye of her temp right now. Her head is starting to hurt and all this took place right before she was oging to eat some chicken and tater tots. Glory to God for He is good and thank you all for your prayers. Psalm 121
O.k.....just before 2:25 p.m.(almost an hour later) Heavens nose finally stopped bleeding and she has fallen asleep.
Update.....about an hour after Heavens nose stopped bleeding, it started again and lasted about 20 minutes. We think it may have been caused by her trying ot laugh a little bit. Anyways, Dr. Edwards came in and let me know out of all the other CBC's (complete blood count) that has been drawn all have came back normal...meaning the infection/bacteria is gone. AMEN!!! Praise the Lord. <3 Now we are waiting for her lungs to heal form the resperatory issues that she had and then Lord willing ina couple to 3 days we will back on the Peds floor and then maybe back home after a few days. Thank you all for standing by us praying. Thank you. <3

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