Monday, February 6, 2012

Waiting on the results....

‎2-6-12...This moring the nurse came and Heaven had her labs drawn today and we are waiting for the results to see if we have to go back to the hospital tomorrow or wait until later this week. Her ANC needs to be 1000 or more before they can start any chemo treatments. She was weighed and she has only gained a 1/2 pound since we got home last Monday night. Please pray that the weight will pile on... so she will have that to fall back on when ti gets to where she can't eat because of the Mucasitis and the rawness in her throat. I am actually hoping that we won't have to go to the hospital until maybe next week. Also, pray for her ANC to get well over a 1000 and that her platelets and wbc and all the others rise too. Thanks again for all your prayers for our family ♥
Heavens counts came back and her WBC, Platelets and ANC are to low. It may be next week before we go back which is fine because I'd like to get those numbers as high as possible and she needs to pack on some more weight. Please continue to pray for Heaven and our family. Cindi Silvers-Davis Heaven doesn't like applesauce. lol. We are trying to get good food with lots of fat and calories.

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