Some days I can be strong, I can be weak, I can be proud, I can be meek, I can be gentle, or I can be tough, I can explode when I've had enough. Sometimes I laugh, sometimes I cry, sometimes I lose but I always try. I always get up, when I get knocked down and can make a smile out of a frown. I know that God loves me for He sent His Son to save my soul.
So when life gets tough and its hard to be strong, I'll never forget that in Gods will is where I belong.
Were an old-fashioned Christian family getting by in todays world with the faith of a mustard seed. So, come in, take a seat, sit back and hang-out a while....
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Monday, December 23, 2013
Best Christmas gift ever
Just going to take a moment and brag on my Jesus. He has been there for us the whole way through this journey that bagan on Nov. 25, 2011. Today we are honored to say that Jesus still loves us and all you have to do is call on Him and He will hear you.
Heaven Nicole and I have spent 344 days away from all our family and friends, and that has been really hard on us. We are visiting home for 2 weeks for Christmas and then we will be heading back to Duke. Our anticipated date to be back home for good, minus clinic visits, is at by mid-January.
We would like to thank our Jesus for laying it on the hearts of two couples to donate their babys cord blood..for that...we will be forever grateful.
Thank you all so much for all your prayers, cards, calls, birthday/discharge party....we ask that you please continue to pray that Heavens muscles, bones, organs, and blood/platelets continued to strengthen and get to normal levels.
Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts and may you all have a wonderful CHRISTmas.
You can also help by signing up
at and at for bone marrow and cord blood donations. This will give hope to those with leukemia, lymphoma, blood cancers and many more.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
From Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Afflictions, But No Broken Bones December 19 He keepeth all his bones; not one of them is broken. (Psalm 34:20)
This promise by the context is referred to the much afflicted righteous man: "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth him out of them all." He may suffer skin wounds and flesh wounds, but no great harm shall be done; "not a bone of him shall be broken." This is great comfort to a tried child of God, and comfort which I dare accept; for up to this hour I have suffered no real damage from my many afflictions. I have neither lost faith, nor hope, nor love. Nay so far from losing these bones of character, they have gained in strength and energy. I have more knowledge, more experience, more patience, more stability than I had before the trials came. Not even my joy has been destroyed. Many a bruise have I had by sickness, bereavement, depression, slander, and opposition; but the bruise has healed, and there has been no compound fracture of a bone, not even a simple one. The reason is not far to seek. If we trust in the Lord, He keeps all our bones; and if He keeps them, we may be sure that not one of them is broken. Come, my heart, do not sorrow. Thou art smarting, but there are no bones broken. Endure hardness and bid defiance to fear. From the Faith's Checkbook Mobile Devotional Android app -
9 month check-up today
Waiting to be called back...long day at clinic today as Heaven has to get an Echo and Pulmonology testing as well. Then wewill be off to Virginia for 2 weeks...Amen!!!Pray specifically for great results on all test. Hope you all have a wonderfull blessed day in the Lord.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
335 days.....
It has been hard being away from family and friends for this long, but by Gods grace and mercy, He has seen and lead both Heaven and I through it with the strength that He has given us both...and I thank Him daily for that.
So as of today we have been here 11 months which equals 335 days and also today Heaven is 258 days post transplant. Thank You Jesus!!!
Please continue to specifically pray for Heaven as she has several test next week, most of them will be done through lab draws, but she will have to have a Echo done and Pulmonology Testing done as well. Please pray specifically that her BMP (certain heart function) comes back normal, as they have been trying to get this number to a normal state since we have been here, also pray for her muscle strength in her legs to increase and her bones to grow stronger.
There are many families here who need your prayers as well. Some are finishing up with transplants, some are half way through and some are getting ready to start...we ask that you please pray specifically for these families as this is really an emotional journey from start to finish. It can take its toll on you, but only if you allow it. Pray for the families that try to figure it all out themselves, pray that they hear of a Saviour that they can lean on, and that He (Jesus) will lead them and guide them through and give them the strength that they are sure to need.
I want to thank God for putting the finest transplant Doctor's in our path. Dr. Driscoll (Heavens Primary), Dr. Martin, Dr. Prasad, Dr. Parik and Dr. Page...You all will always hold a special place in our hearts. Lord, I thank You for Duke Children's Hospital & Health Center and all the amenities that they offer. Lord, I thank you for the Ronald McDonald House of Durham for all they do for each and every family that walks through their doors, and for their caring ways, for being there when someone needs them for we really would not have been able to afford to stay anywhere else.
Lord, thank I can't thank You enough for loving us and for giving us a second chance to be a family.
Friday, December 13, 2013
My new weight loss program
Amazing! While reading Gods Word...I came across my new diet plan...and its Biblical. I am gonna memorize this verse and when I want to indulge in foods that I ought not be indulging in...I will recite it over and over until I am over the indulgement.
Blessings to you all.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
CHRISTmas time is here.....
Here is a pic of Heaven by the fireplace...sure would like on of these un our would take up an entire Hope you all are having a wonderful day, enjoy the Son and the sun...soak'em both up.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Myself and another bone marrow parent redecorated the tree a couple weeks ago...and tonight several volunteers spent a few hours placing and hooking up the village. Really pretty.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Friday, December 6, 2013
Just how Grateful are we?
You think this is just another day in your life? Its not just another day, its the one day that is given to you. Today. Its given to you, it's a gift, it's the only gift that you have right now and the only appropriate response is, gratefulness.
If you do nothing else but to cultivate that response to the great gift that this unique day is, if you learn to respond as if it were the first day in your life and the very last day, then you would have spent this day very well.
Begin by opening your eyes and be surprised that you have eyes that you can open, that incredible array of colors that is constantly offered to us for pure enjoyment. Look at the sky, we so rarely look at the sky. We so rarely look at how different it is from moment to moment, with clouds coming and going. We just think of the weather and not all the many newnesses of the weather, we just think of good weather and bad weather. This day, right now, it's unique weather, may be a kind in an exact form that will never come again. The formation of clouds in the sky will never be the same as it is right now.
Open your eyes, look at that.
Look at the faces of people you meet, each one has an incredible story behind their face. A story that you could never fully fathom, not only their own story but also the story of their ancestors, we all go back so far. And in this present moment on this day all the people you meet, all that life from generations and from so many places around the world, flows together and meets you here like life giving waters if you only open your hearts and drink.
Open your heart to the incredible gift that is given us. You flip a switch and it gives us electricity, you turn on a focet and you get warm water, cold water, drinkable water...thats a gift that millions and millions of people in the world may never experience.
These are just a few of the enormous number of gifts to which you can open your heart. So I wish you that you open your heart to receive all these blessings, and let them flow through you that everyone that you will meet on this day will be blessed by you. Blessed by your eyes, by your smile, by your touch, just by your presence.
Let yor gratefulness overflow into blessing all around you. Then, it will really be a good day.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
All because of Jesus.....
Heaven had to get Pentamidine today and afterwards while waiting on the Dr. she kept herself busy with making charms with the rainbow bands. CBC came back looking good...keep the prayers coming. May Christ bless you all.
Glory to God!!!
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Had a wonderful trip home.....
We ad a wonderful Thanksgiving at home though it was hard coming back to durham. While driving back I became overwhelmed when we got onto an exit near the hospital, and by the grace of God...a song was playing and the chorus was..."this is where the healing begins"...all I could do was praise and thank Jesus for He is so great to us.
With that said.....
Heaven is really getting into to the Rainbow Loom.....she really likes it. She is almost done with a complete Nativity set made with the small bands. I am glad that she has something good to focus on...thank You Jesus for Your lovingkindness toward us.