Sorry for not posting for a while but things have been sort of a little rollercoaster ride...anyways Heaven Nicole had her double cord blood transplant on April 1st. Since then the wbc has been up and down due to the fact that she is dealing with some rough mucasitis and thrush in her mouth and throat. I haven't been able to donate my granulacytes to help with this being my hemoglobin has been under 10 but as of today I was able to give so she received my grans today and will also get some tomorrow and Sunday, Lord willing that will help her mouth and throat ordeal to heal up a bit quicker. She does have some Grafts vs. Host but it is confined to about 5% of her body and the Dr.s are keeping an eye on that as well. I have one gel and one cream that has to be applied twice a day each and also a cream to apply to her face and neck as well.
Her wbc has been holding at 0.2 and the Dr. says that it is due to the cells trying to help heal her mouth up so we ask everyone to please specifically pray for her mouth and throat to heal, her wbc to increase to a normal level so she can engraft (her wbc will have to hold at 0.5 or 0.8 with an ANC of 500 for 3 days) and for successful engraftment.
As of today we have been here at Duke PBMT Unit for 3 months and 12 days. It has been extremely hard at times but we do our best to make the best of everything. Heaven is ready for engraftment to take place so she can get out of here and to the Ronald McDonald House so she can feel more like she is at home.
We are just asking that you all continue praying so that all will go well and we can move out of her soon. Love and miss you all and we thank you all for everything you all have done for us. We are truly grateful. <3