Update on Heaven Nicole.....First off we would like to thank our Saviour Jesus Christ for answering our prayers and for being the loving Saviour that He is. All the glory and praise goes to Him.
Yesterday the decision to proceed with transplant was made as the Dr.s had come up with a plan that they feel will best suit her and is also an answer to prayers as it didn't involve radiation. Heaven will start conditioning chemo on Thursday March 21st and her 2 cord blood transplant will take place on April 1st. What we need everyone of our family and friends to pray for now is for the RSV to disappear, the chemo to do its job, her organs not to be affected by the chemo, some grafts vs. host but mainly grafts vs. leukemia (being the GvL will kill any remaining leukemia cells), and we also need a successful engraftment. So, remember that God is listening to those fervent prayers that you all are praying and we ask that you keep them coming. Many thanks and love to you all.
Thank you all for the calls and keep them coming, the cards, the visits from allowed visitors, the prayers, thoughts and everything else. Many blessings to each of you <3