12-31-11.....Old Years End and a New Years Eve, Where did the last 364 days go? All gone. Never to be brought back again. Thank you Lord for all Your blessings on us as a family. Thank you Lord for Your tender hand and Your loving tenderness and we pray for Your healing touch in the New Year.
Also, Heaven is doing well this morning...she is fussing me because she has to drink about a 4 oz. frui...t smoothie each day, can't figure out why she is having a hard time with it. She is on the antibiotic until Thursday...we are praying and need you all to pray with us that her ANC number goes up and all the others climb with it to where they need to be.
She had fun with her friends yesterday and we took a short trip to the library to fax some info out. I think it done her some good to get a little fresh air. I'll be headed out here shortly to go a get a few groceries..... but this family is gonna start eating a whole lot differently and better, not because of a new years resolution, but because that is the way the God intended it. We are gonna be eating more salads, fruits and fresh veggies (out of our garden) and try our best to do the things that Jesus would have us to do.
Again, we thank everyone that is praying for Heaven and our family and we ask that you conmtinue on with praying....."The fervent prayer of a rightous man availeth much"..... "Pray without ceasing"..... ♥ you all.
Well.....New Years Fellowship at one church and a Night Watch Service at our church...Praying you all have a wonderful time and don't forget to put Christ as the for-front of your New Year. ♥ to all and many blessings too.
A New Year! A New Day! A New Life!
Not only on New Years but all the year through God gives us a chance to begin life anew, For each day at dawning we have but to pray that all the mistakes the we made yesterday will be blotted out and forgiven by grace, For God in His love will completely efface all that is past and He'll grant a new start to all who are truly repentant at heart--
And well may man pause in awesome-like wonder that our Father in heaven who dwells far asunder could still remain willing to freely forgive the shabby, small lives we so selfishly live, and still would be mindful of sin-ridden man who constantly goes on defying God's plan--
But this is the Gift of God's limitless love a gift that we all are so unworthy of, but God gave it to us and all we need do is to ask God's forgiveness and begin life anew
Also, Heaven is doing well this morning...she is fussing me because she has to drink about a 4 oz. frui...t smoothie each day, can't figure out why she is having a hard time with it. She is on the antibiotic until Thursday...we are praying and need you all to pray with us that her ANC number goes up and all the others climb with it to where they need to be.
She had fun with her friends yesterday and we took a short trip to the library to fax some info out. I think it done her some good to get a little fresh air. I'll be headed out here shortly to go a get a few groceries..... but this family is gonna start eating a whole lot differently and better, not because of a new years resolution, but because that is the way the God intended it. We are gonna be eating more salads, fruits and fresh veggies (out of our garden) and try our best to do the things that Jesus would have us to do.
Again, we thank everyone that is praying for Heaven and our family and we ask that you conmtinue on with praying....."The fervent prayer of a rightous man availeth much"..... "Pray without ceasing"..... ♥ you all.
Well.....New Years Fellowship at one church and a Night Watch Service at our church...Praying you all have a wonderful time and don't forget to put Christ as the for-front of your New Year. ♥ to all and many blessings too.
A New Year! A New Day! A New Life!
Not only on New Years but all the year through God gives us a chance to begin life anew, For each day at dawning we have but to pray that all the mistakes the we made yesterday will be blotted out and forgiven by grace, For God in His love will completely efface all that is past and He'll grant a new start to all who are truly repentant at heart--
And well may man pause in awesome-like wonder that our Father in heaven who dwells far asunder could still remain willing to freely forgive the shabby, small lives we so selfishly live, and still would be mindful of sin-ridden man who constantly goes on defying God's plan--
But this is the Gift of God's limitless love a gift that we all are so unworthy of, but God gave it to us and all we need do is to ask God's forgiveness and begin life anew